in Tags: magento2


Magento is a powerful eCommerce platform, which helps in creating catalogs and to maintain them. Being in an eCommerce business means managing lots of things, today’s business owners are looking for a better platform for their business to flourish.

Integrating SMS plugin with Magento makes management easy and keeps your customers up to date and happy.

Our plugin sends out SMSs containing details of your product, like if you have placed an order for something you wish to buy, these SMSs are helpful in keeping you alert about your shipment details. This way you can rest assured.


  • Download SMS Alert extension from magento marketplace
  • Unzip file in magento directory/vendor/
  • To enable the extension run following commands
  • php bin/magento module:enable COZYVISION_Smsalert
  • php bin/magento cache:flush


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