in Tags: wordpress

Fat Services booking is the Automated booking and online scheduling for your services booking plugin for WordPress. We have tried to make easier to sms notification and reminders to users through Fat Services Booking by following easy steps.

Fat Services Booking to customer

Steps to send sms notification to user.

  • Navigate to SMS Alert plugin.
  • Enable and modify the SMS content for sending message to customer.
  • You can send reminder to customer before specific time of Booking.
  • Click on save changes.
  • Multiple messages set at different times.
  • One can send multiple reminder SMS to customers with different SMS templates at different time intervals before booking time.
  1. Which events do you support?

    Currently we support SMS on.
    1 When customer booking is Pending.
    3 When customer booking is Canceled.
    4 When customer booking is Approved.
    5 When customer booking is Rejected.

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