in Platform


Bulk means something large. Bulk SMS is a simple way of sending messages to a large number of recipients at once. It is also the easy and convenient way.

Bulk SMS is used for various purpose, for example, ‘promoting your business’, ‘Sending updates’, ‘News’, ‘Transnational details’ and many more. It is one of the best way for marketing also, as it can be used for mass communication rather than more traditional forms of marketing like giving advertisement in the TV, Printing brochure giving information on your product or your services. It can be used by business owners, marketing agencies, Banks or anyone wishing to communicate with a large group of people.

Bulk SMS can be sent worldwide from any location. It is very beneficial in growing your business, if you are planning to grow further and expand your business outside home territory.

By Bulk SMS you can provide information about your product, about your brand in seconds to large number of recipients (people), which is very much helpful in promoting your business or any other project you are dealing with.  

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