Subscription is an arrangement to receive an automated reports of Customer’s Usage Summary on a regular basis, till the time Customer himself choose to unsubscribe this service.
- Click on the Subscription icon placed adjacent to the SMS Credit on the top of the website.
- A new window will open up, displaying various recurring reports, which you can subscribe. The brief description of each subscription is explained below

Daily Usage Summary-
This option will give you all the brief information regarding each and every message you have send in the month:

- You will receive an attachment in the form of zipped Excel file,containing detailed information of the all the messages you have send in the previous month.
- The id through which you will be getting the email is “” , therefore make sure to add this to your contacts to avoid the chances of getting the Summary Reports in Spam.
Weekly Usage Summary-
you will get weekly mail sent to you regarding your all sms usage in a week

Monthly Usage Summary-
you will get Monthly mail sent to you regarding your all sms usage in a Month

Monthly Delivery Report-
you will get Monthly Delivery Report on your mail sent to you regarding your all Monthly Message Delivery Report

Low Balance Alert-
you can get Low balance alert on your mail, when you have subscribed Credit for alert (Ex: 10 credits Then you will get alert on your mail when your sms credits reach 10 sms credits)