in Tags: shopify
  • So for this navigate to Apps in your Shopify admin, and then click on SMS Alert.
  • Here click on OTP settings and then enable OTP for Registration.
  • Change the SMS text as required, and ensure you have this OTP tag in your sms text.
  • Finally click on save changes.
  • Now navigate to Online Store in your Shopify admin and click on Customize button in your current theme.
  • Now click on App embeds and enable SMS Alert OTP For Register option and click on Save button on top right of that page.
  • Now the configuration is done.
  1. Can we change phone field position on registration page ?

    Yes, you can change, by adding custom field in registration page.
    Login in shopify admin panel
    1. Go to Online Store >> Themes >> Active Theme
    2. Click on Actions and go to edit code
    3. Then Go to Templates
    4. Edit customers/register.liquid file
    5. Add phone field html code, where you want to show phone field
    6. Please keep phone field name as name=”customer[phone]” and id as id=”sa_phone_no”
    7. Now it will replace the smsalert plugin phone field on registration page.

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