Formidable Forms is a easy form builder plugin of wordpress. We have tried to make easier to send sms to users and admin through Formidable Forms by following easy steps.
- To enable SMS feature, you need to have SMS Alert plugin installed.
- So first you have to navigate to Formidable Forms option in the menu.
- There you have to create or edit your form, in which you want to enable SMS Notifications.
- So, first ensure that you have a phone field in your form, if not, you can add it by simply drag and drop.
- Now click on Settings, and there click on SMS Alert.
- In this screen, you can configure Visitor and Admin Message.
- So first you have to click enable message this is to send message to visitor after they submits the form.
- Click on Enable Mobile verification, if you want the user should be verified with an OTP before they can submit the form.
- Then after you have to select the phone number field to which you want to send the message.
- Modify the sms text, you can customise it with your form fields, by simply clicking on the field name.
- Enter the admin number on which you want to get notified for new form submissions.
- Modify the message text, same like you did for the customer message.
- Finally click on update.